World Deaf Day 2021: Factors That May Lead to Hearing Loss
World Deaf Day 2021: Factors That May Lead to Hearing Loss
On the occasion of the International Day of the Deaf, let’s explore the various reasons that might lead to hearing loss:

This year, the World Deaf Day will be observed on September 26. It’s an international day declared by the UN to promote awareness about deafness. As per reports, around 2.5 billion people will experience hearing disability by 2050, and 430 million would be in need of hearing rehabilitation. So what are the causes that lead to deafness? Have you been wondering, too? Well, hearing disability might range from mild to severe and would result due to different reasons.

On the occasion of the International Day of the Deaf, let’s explore the various reasons that might lead to hearing loss:

Noise: Loud noises are one of the most common causes of hearing disability. Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) badly affects people of all ages when exposed to deafening sounds.

Genetic disorders: Some of the genetic mutations (at the moment of conception, or during the prenatal and perinatal stage) might lead to impaired hearing in newborns. Those genetic disorders include osteogenesis imperfecta, Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome) and Treacher Collins syndrome.

Hereditary disorders: Some of the reasons behind deafness would be hereditary, as well. The malformations of the inner ear are genetically passed on to the children from parents.

Diseases: Getting severely affected by certain diseases like meningitis, cytomegalovirus, mumps, severe jaundice over a prolonged period of time might make one susceptible to hearing loss. Meniere’s disease is another cause of turning deaf.

Trauma and unaddressed hearing loss: Shocks or experience of traumatic situation that lead to fractured skull or perforated eardrum, or say, sudden changes in air pressure may result in hearing loss.

Early diagnosis or ear examination is advisable for identification of ear diseases or hearing disability. Left unheeded or unaddressed for a long time would increase the risks of deafness.

Timely hearing assessments would be the ideal way to mitigate any adverse hearing disability.

Age-related hearing loss: Also known as presbycusis, is the gradual loss of hearing in both ears in ageing individuals. 1 out of 3 adults over 65 years’ of age, experiences hearing loss.

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