Lisa Ray on When She Was Diagnosed With Cancer: 'Did Not Cry Or React'
Lisa Ray on When She Was Diagnosed With Cancer: 'Did Not Cry Or React'
Lisa Ray was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a type of white blood cell cancer in 2009. Declared cancer free in April 2010, the actress opened up about her initial reaction when her doctor announced the news to her.

Lisa Ray, recently opened up about her reaction when she was diagnosed with cancer. She was speaking at an event in New Delhi while releasing her book Close To The Bone.

Talking about her initial reactions when her doctor announced it to her, she said, "My doctor was scared because after he announced to me that I had multiple myeloma, I didn’t react. Even though he said it was incurable and fatal. In my mind, I was thinking that my body has been trying to give me signals for months, and I was ignoring them. Then I got this strongest possible message. Intuitively, I knew something was wrong. But I didn’t have the courage to do anything, because I was trained to ignore what my body was telling me.”

Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer of the white blood cells, which produces antibodies. She was later declared cancer-free after a stem cell transplant in April 2010. However, since the cancer is an incurable disease, the actress is not completely cured off it.

“I did not cry, did not react, but instead asked if I could get a glass of water,” Lisa said.

She further shared about being aware of things going awry in her body but there was little she could do about it. “I was getting lethargic, falling asleep on the sets. The mind was telling me everything was okay. But I knew something was wrong but did not have the courage to do something about it,” she added.

The actress said that since her profession demanded to be on the go, she usually ignored the signs of her body until she had to make changes. She said, “In our profession, you can’t go home when you’re sick. You pop medicines and get on with work. What do we do when we don’t want to face something? We keep busy. I did that. Until finally I had to stop, listen to my body, heal and make changes."

"I knew it wasn’t the end of me, I knew I wasn’t going to die, but I also knew it wasn’t going to be easy,” she further said.

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