Bad Breath Is Common, These Ayurveda Tricks May Make It a Thing Of The Past
Bad Breath Is Common, These Ayurveda Tricks May Make It a Thing Of The Past
Tobacco usage, whether smoking or chewing, is also known to induce poor breath.

Are you suffering from bad breath? Do you feel conscious while talking because of the bad smell? Having bad breath is an unpleasant experience for both you and those around you. Halitosis, often known as bad breath, can be brought on by acidity, diabetes, lung infections, poor dental or gastrointestinal health, dehydration, or even smoking.

Tobacco usage, whether smoking or chewing, is also known to induce poor breath. Ayurvedic expert Vara Yanamandra shared some ayurvedic tips to tackle the issue. “Bad breath not only affects physical health but it can also affect someone’s confidence and lead to social anxiety,” the expert wrote on Instagram.

She said that the most common causes of halitosis are teeth or gum diseases, eating raw garlic or onions, gut issues, bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine (SIBO), gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and throat or sinus infections. Here are some simple Ayurvedic cures to prevent bad breath.

1. Maintaining Oral Health: Use a dental powder made of ayurvedic ingredients like neem and babool as well as gargling with lukewarm triphala decoction twice a day to maintain your oral hygiene.

2. Eat a balanced meal: Dr Vara also cautioned against crash diets and lack of proper hydration. She suggested consuming balanced meals and finishing afterwards with bitter and astringent items. Hydration is also important to prevent bad breath.

3. Take care of acid reflux: Though nearly all of the bad breath is due to oral health, acid reflux can also be a common reason. Acid reflux is a chronic illness in which stomach acid or bile runs into the food pipe and irritates the lining of the organ. Self-care and medication can help with acid reflux and thus keep foul breath at bay.

4. Fennel removes bad breath: Fennel (saunf) is an excellent remedy for bad breath. Chewing fennel seeds after meals is a great treatment for foul breath.

5. Find the root cause: According to her, bad breath can be a symptom of underlying problems such as “diabetes and kidney disease,” and “often paying attention to your gut reveals a lot.”

Following these simple Ayurvedic remedies can help you bid goodbye to bad breath once and for all.

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