Find a Job That 'Matches The Skill Set You've Built Over Time': Elon Musk Advises Youngsters
Find a Job That 'Matches The Skill Set You've Built Over Time': Elon Musk Advises Youngsters
Elon Musk said that the youngsters should do a job that they're good at. In this regard, he suggested never stepping into a field just because it will make one famous

Are you worried about your career? Last year in December, Telsa and Space X CEO, Elon Musk appeared on Lex Fridman’s podcast and shared some critical career tips for youngsters. The billionaire stated that the youngsters should do a job that they’re good at. In this regard, he suggested never stepping into a field just because it will make one famous. He said, “Focus on something much simpler… Find a job that you’d be good at and matches the skill set you’ve built over time.”

Musk also asked the youth to, “try to be useful.” He asserted, “Do things that are useful to your fellow human beings, to the world. If someone is living a useful life, it’s a life worth having lived.” The 51-year-old further added that the youngsters should concentrate on the task at hand and have faith that performing better than expected, will help them reach new heights in their careers. “A desire to be in the spotlight won’t necessarily help… Try to find something where there’s an overlap of your talents and what you’re interested in,” he added.

“Don’t try to be a leader for the sake of being a leader,” the Tesla boss recommended when discussing leadership. He also said, “A lot of times… the people you want as leaders are the people who don’t want to be leaders.” His final piece of advice for the young was to communicate with others to get enlightened about different professions and skills. “Talk to people from different walks of life and different industries and professions and skills,” he said.

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