Election 2020 Today: Biden Defends 'Obamacare,' Trump Stalls
Election 2020 Today: Biden Defends 'Obamacare,' Trump Stalls
Heres whats happening Tuesday in Election 2020.

Heres whats happening Tuesday in Election 2020.


BIDEN’S PITCH: President-elect Joe Biden is championing the Obama administrations signature health care law as it goes before the Supreme Court in a case that could overturn it. Biden is delivering an Affordable Care Act speech on Tuesday, the day the high court will hear arguments on its merits. The Supreme Court ruled eight years ago to leave intact the essential components of the law known as Obamacare, but the court is now controlled 6-3 by a conservative majority. Biden’s speech reflects the importance he is putting on health care as he prepares to take office in January amid the worst pandemic in more than a century.

OBAMACARE’ FIGHT: Republican elected officials and the Trump administration are advancing their latest arguments to get rid of the Affordable Care Act, a long-held GOP goal that has repeatedly failed in Congress and the courts. Arguments are scheduled in the Supreme Courts third major case over the 10-year-old law, popularly known as Obamacare. Republican attorneys general in 18 states and the Trump administration want the law to be struck down, which would threaten coverage for more than 23 million people. California is leading a group of Democratic-controlled states that is urging the court to leave the law in place.

TRUMP STALLING: The Trump administration is throwing the presidential transition into tumult. President Donald Trump has fired the Pentagon chief and blocked government officials from cooperating with Bidens team. Even as Biden began assembling experts to face the surging coronavirus pandemic, the federal agency that needs to greenlight the beginnings of the transition of power held off.

NOT CONCEDING: Losing presidential candidates have conceded to their opponents in private chats, telegrams, phone calls and nationally televised speeches. Al Gore conceded twice in the same race. Trump isnt expected to concede at all not even with a tweet. Theres no law that says Trump has to concede, but if he doesnt, he will be the first presidential candidate in modern times to ignore a tradition that has marked peaceful transitions throughout American history. Most concession speeches are gracious less about the loser and more about closure for the country.

BARR’S MOVE: Attorney General William Barr authorizes federal prosecutors across the U.S. to pursue substantial allegations of voting irregularities, if they exist, before the 2020 presidential election is certified. Barrs action comes despite little evidence of fraud in Biden’s victory. It also raises the prospect that Trump will use the Justice Department to try to challenge the outcome. Longstanding Justice Department policy would normally prohibit such overt actions before an election is certified.

QUOTABLE: We could save tens of thousands of lives if everyone would just wear a mask for the next few months. Not Democratic or Republican lives, American lives. Please, I implore you, wear a mask. Biden pleading with Americans to put aside their political differences and wear masks to protect themselves and their neighbors from the coronavirus.


This is proof: Bidens win reveals power of Black voters

Trump faces long odds in challenging state vote counts

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Find APs full election coverage at APNews.com/Election2020.

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