Are Cancer Men & Aquarius Women Compatible?
Are Cancer Men & Aquarius Women Compatible?
Emotional water-sign Cancer and intellectual air-sign Aquarius are sometimes perceived as a less-than-ideal match, but in fact, these two zodiac signs have a lot to offer one another. By taking the time to learn a little more about each other’s personalities and ways of thinking, a Cancer man and Aquarius woman can not only make a relationship work—they can thrive! In this article, we’ll explore Aquarius-Cancer compatibility, from sex and communication styles to values and potential challenges.
Things You Should Know
  • Cancer men may be more emotional than intellectual Aquarius women, which can cause some friction in the relationship.
  • Aquarius may feel stifled by Cancer’s lack of adventurous spirit, while Cancer may feel as if Aquarius is too cold or distant.
  • But as long as these signs prioritize one another’s needs and practice patience and understanding, they can make a relationship work.

Cancer Man & Aquarius Woman Compatibility Overview

This match may take a little patience and understanding—but it can work. Cancer is the poster child of emotional zodiac signs. He loves love and he loves being with his partner. Aquarius, on the other hand, really values her alone time and independence. These somewhat opposite personalities won’t always mesh in a romantic relationship, but if these signs can learn to prioritize one another’s needs every so often, they can stay together for a long, long time. Cancer and Aquarius are very different signs, but they both have a lot to bring to the table. By staying humble and patient, both signs may learn something valuable from each other. Cancer, as a cardinal sign, may be more flexible and understanding than Aquarius, who, as a fixed sign, is more likely to stubbornly stick to their way of doing things. Because Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet of freedom and independence, and by Saturn, the planet of strength, she may struggle with avoidant tendencies in the relationship. Cancer, ruled by the maternal, introspective moon, may find this especially hard to deal with.

Cancer Man & Aquarius Woman Sexual Compatibility

Cancer and Aquarius tend to view sex differently. For emotional Cancer, sex is a way to show his partner he loves her, while for Aquarius, sex is an opportunity to explore new horizons and experience new sensations. This doesn’t have to be an issue, as long as both signs can see where their partner is coming from and try to respect it—but there’s a chance Aquarius will begin to view her Cancer paramour as clingy and sexually boring, and Cancer might see his Aquarius as cold. Cancer, try to remember that for Aquarius, variety is the spice of life. Don’t discount your needs for emotional intimacy, but don’t be afraid to spice things up in the bedroom now and again. After all, trying something new together might be a great way to feel closer to your partner. Aquarius, remember that in your quest for adventure and variety, you can sometimes leave Cancer feeling neglected. It doesn’t have to be an either/or situation, though: you can add some zest to your lovemaking while still meeting Cancer’s need for a deep connection.

Cancer Man & Aquarius Woman Communication

Cancer expresses emotions often and well, but Aquarius…not so much. Cancer is ruled by the moon: because of this, he's super introspective and pretty good at sharing what he's feeling. For Aquarius, however, reflection doesn’t come so easy—and sharing her feelings, even less so. This can lead to some frustration, with Cancer feeling neglected or as if Aquarius isn’t invested in the relationship, and with Aquarius feeling smothered by Cancer or easily drained by his expressions of emotion. Cancer and Aquarius, this doesn’t have to be a red flag if you don’t let it. You both care about one another’s well-being and you want the same thing in the end: to understand and be understood.

Cancer Man & Aquarius Woman Emotional Compatibility

Cancer is more emotional than over-intellectual Aquarius. Aquarius, a classic air sign, is constantly thinking about big ideas and mulling over philosophical inquiries. Cancer, as a water sign, experiences strong, flowing emotions that shift seemingly at the drop of a hat; he also loves to tend to others' emotional needs. However, Aquarius may find Cancer's emotional caretaking irritating, which may leave Cancer feeling wounded. Cancer, try not to take it personally when Aquarius isn’t able to engage on the same emotional level as you. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t have feelings or that she’s less invested in the relationship—she just isn’t able to access her emotions as well as you. Aquarius, try to be patient with Cancer when he seems to be overly sensitive. He feels deeply about things, but this isn’t a flaw. Practice pausing before you speak to avoid accidentally wounding your Cancer paramour.

Cancer Man & Aquarius Woman Values Compatibility

Aquarius values independence, while Cancer values intimacy. Intimacy and independence aren’t mutually exclusive, and we all need both of them to be happy and healthy. But emotional Cancer has a tendency to become codependent with his partners, and Aquarius has a habit of being independent to the point of avoidance in her romantic relationships. As long as these two can embrace one another’s strengths and learn to share each other’s values, they’ll both be happier and have a strong partnership. Cancer and Aquarius, don’t view one another’s personalities as weaknesses or reasons to butt heads. Instead, treat your differences as opportunities to learn and grow. There is value in both independence and mutual reliance.

Aquarius values adventure and variety, while Cancer prefers safety. Cancer admires Aquarius's curiosity and creativity, and Aquarius respects Cancer's emotional intelligence, which makes them ideal friends. But in a romantic relationship, their personalities can cause friction, with Aquarius always on the go, out for new experiences, and Cancer being something of a homebody. If both signs can learn to not just admire one another's values, but adopt them, they’re both sure to experience a richer side of life they wouldn’t have otherwise. Cancer and Aquarius, take turns setting up date nights—and no whining! You’ll have a nice time, even if it’s not what you’d ordinarily be doing on your night off, simply because you’re together. Aquarius, you may learn to slow down and appreciate being a homebody, and Cancer, you may get out of your shell and have fun for once.

Final Thoughts

Aquarius, remember that Cancer can feel emotionally neglected easily. Cancer has pretty big emotional needs, and Aquarius may struggle to fulfill them. This doesn’t spell doom for the relationship as long as Cancer can remember that for Aquarius, emotional intimacy just doesn’t come easy. Cancer, you sometimes have a tendency to get lost in your emotions and in your relationships, so your relationship with Aquarius is a good opportunity for you to practice being more independent and shrugging off your emotions a little more. You can feel your feelings without letting them define you.

Cancer, give Aquarius a little space so they don't feel too smothered. Because Aquarius is so independent, adventurous, and intellectual, dating a Cancer may feel a bit stifling. Cancer, as the zodiac’s resident homebody, may want to stay in on weekends more often than she’d like, but as long as she communicates her needs for space and is able to lure Cancer into occasional adventures with her, this relationship will succeed. Aquarius, practice voicing your need for alone time when you feel it. Intimate, cozy Cancer is great at picking up on people’s emotions, but he won’t always understand your need for space, so you might have to spell it out. Don’t sacrifice your innate need for adventure, Aquarius, but try to realize there’s a lot you can learn from your Cancer man about the value of home and of slowing down once in a while.

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