How to Enhance Your Natural Beauty
How to Enhance Your Natural Beauty
Some women seem more beautiful than others, but that is because they know how to flaunt what they have. Here is how to enhance your natural beauty and look gorgeous!


Take care of your skin. All skin is different, but in general, be sure to wash and moisturize your face daily. Remove makeup before going to bed. Protect your skin from the sun and avoid tanning.

Highlight your best features. If you have amazing eyes, be sure to use mascara. If your teeth are white and wonderful, use a dark lipstick. Using make-up to highlight your best features draws attention to them and away from what you may not like!

Make it look natural. Don't wear make-up for the sake of looking like you're wearing make-up. Wear it like its you're natural beauty! Better yet, go for the natural look if you want, and don't use it at all!

Know how much is too much. In partial conjunction with the last step, don't slather over every inch of your face. This usually ends up making you look like a clown. Men find confidence attractive, so be confident with the way you look under that mask.


Find your style. This step practically goes without saying, but its surprising how many people forget what they look for in clothes and end up buying what's "in style." When you find clothes you genuinely like and feel comfortable and confident in, you'll want to get up each morning so you can go show them to the world!

Fit your figure. Not only do you need clothes you like, but you need clothes that like you. Look for clothes that fit to you and make you look good. This can be hard, but once you determine your body type, everything will come easier.

Body Language

Smile. If you go around pouting everywhere you go, people will mark you as unhappy and not fun to be around. Smiling and being positive will make people happier to see you and improve what they think about you.

Keep good posture. Good posture shows confidence, and confidence has been described as the most attractive feature someone can posses. Keep your back straight and chin up, even when sitting. Keeping your back straight also helps flatten your stomach as fat then has a larger amount of space to be distributed over.


Wash your hair as often as necessary. Work with and enhance your hair's natural texture -- hot tools and blow dryers are damaging to your hair after repeated use.

Keep your nails clean and trimmed.

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