How to Praise Your Employees, Coworker, and Boss
How to Praise Your Employees, Coworker, and Boss
Encouragement is an essential part of any workplace, but it can be difficult to know how to compliment someone on their work in a professional setting. How do you keep things formal and avoid overstepping your bounds? How do you come up with an effective comment that will be received well? We’re here to put your anxieties to rest. We’ll help you keep it professional when you praise your employees, coworkers, and boss alike on a job well done.
Things You Should Know
  • Be specific, sincere, and encouraging when giving a compliment in a professional setting.
  • Let your employees know how much you appreciate the work they’re doing, and make them feel at-home with the team.
  • Compliment your fellow coworkers on their hard work and tell them you’ll let your superiors know how much you appreciate them.
  • Express admiration and appreciation for your superior employees, and thank them for their advice and examples.

Being Professional

Get specific. An effective compliment touches on exactly what the person did well. It’s not enough to just say, “Good job!” Instead, say something like, “Good job on following through with that client.” Not only does this make the recipient feel good, it encourages the exact behavior you’re complimenting them for. “You handled that customer really well.” “Nice work getting that project in on time.”

Be sincere. Make sure your compliment is genuine, and avoid complimenting your coworkers, employees, or team members just to make them like you. Instead, be sincere and only compliment them when the situation calls for it. That doesn’t mean you should withhold praise, it just means your praise will be more appreciated and well-received when you do give it. “You bring some invaluable skills to this team. I mean it.” “I don’t know if I’ve said it already, but I’m so glad to have you with us.”

Encourage them through the process, not just when they get results. Everyone has bad days, and some work takes longer than others. Offering a compliment on someone’s effort even before they’ve delivered results is a great way to bolster their confidence and even improve the results themselves. “You’re doing good work getting that report made up. I know it’ll be thorough!” “I know this is a tough job, but I appreciate how you’re sticking with it.”

Keep compliments focused on skill and effort, not appearances. Focus on actions and behavior rather than looks. When giving a compliment at work, aim your praise toward someone’s work ethic or how well they handled something, rather than their superficial qualities. “You’ve shown huge improvement lately.” “You’re an incredibly hard worker—we need more people like you.”

Offer rewards beyond the compliment. If someone is performing well, a positive comment is nice, but a tangible reward is better. You don’t have to give gifts for every job well done, but a token of your appreciation goes a long way every now and then, be it a pay raise or just morning coffee on your dime. “I noticed those extra hours you put in and thought you could use a latte.” “Why don’t you clock out early today? You’ve earned it.”

Complimenting an Employee

“Your questions are always so thoughtful.” Asking questions is essential for any employee, whether they’re new to the team, or a long-time worker starting on a new project. It’s better they ask questions now than make mistakes later, right? Encourage more questions by complimenting them when they arise. “I’m so glad you asked! This is how you handle that situation…” “Wow, good question. I hadn’t thought of that myself.”

“I appreciate your work ethic.” It’s important to acknowledge an employee who shows dedication to their work. Whenever you see someone putting in a little extra time or taking care to do a job the right way, acknowledge it and express your gratitude for their commitment. “I saw you stayed late last night, and I really appreciate that. Take care of yourself, though!” “You really paid close attention to detail here. That’s dedication.”

“Everyone, please congratulate them on a job well done.” A public commendation showcases an employee’s good work and validates them in front of their peers. This encourages the rest of the team to work just as hard, and tells everyone that you’re willing to reward a job well done. Take a minute to praise a worker in a meeting or with other employees present, not just in private. “Let’s all try to learn from and emulate them.” “I know we can all perform just as well as them.”

“You’ve settled right in!” New employees especially need encouragement. Even if they’re not performing as well as they will when they’ve learned the ropes, compliment and encourage them on the work they’re doing to improve. Assure them that they’re a valuable addition, which will in turn make them more comfortable and improve their work. “You’re a quick learner.” “I can tell you’ll be right at home here. Welcome to the team.”

“You’re an essential part of this team, you know that?” Much of your employee’s stress may originate from their worries over job security. But employees who are assured of their place in a team can often perform better and have better attitudes. Let your irreplaceable workers know that they’re just that: irreplaceable. “I really don’t know what I’d do without you.” “I want you to know that you’re a valued part of this operation.”

“You made the right call with that difficult customer.” In customer or client-facing jobs, your employees can become easily drained by problematic customers. On top of that, they probably have to handle multiple difficult clients a day. Offering a little positive affirmation now and then can be huge when it comes to boosting morale and keeping them motivated. “They were tough, but you handled them well.” “I’m proud of how you navigated that.”

Complimenting a Coworker

“I’ll be sure to mention your efforts to the boss!” One of the most valuable compliments you can give a coworker is a compliment in front of their boss. It’s a way of rewarding them even if you’re not in a position of seniority. After all, a good word to a higher-up can go a long way career-wise. “The supervisor should know how important your work is.” “I mentioned how much I appreciated your help in my peer review.”

“I enjoy working with you.” There’s more to a job than just the work—a successful team depends on successful group dynamics. You can improve these by expressing how agreeable you find your coworkers, and how well you feel you work together. “We make a great team, don’t we?” “I always look forward to my shifts with you.”

“I’m so inspired by your enthusiasm.” Coworkers ought to set good examples for each other, and a thoughtful comment on someone else’s good example encourages that kind of positive mindset. Let your coworker know you admire their hard work. “I can always count on you to lighten the mood.” “Seeing you work so hard makes me want to work hard, too.”

“Great work with that presentation.” Offer encouragement immediately after a notable effort or event. After things like meetings, lunch rushes, or performance reviews is when both you and your colleagues need the most assurance, so don’t hesitate to give it. “You’re so good at handling multiple customers at once.” “I think the boss really appreciated your comments during the meeting. They were so helpful.”

“I could learn a thing or two from you.” Even if they’re not exactly your boss, your senior coworkers still deserve acknowledgement for their experience. Taking a moment to ask them for advice is flattering in and of itself, and also helpful in working toward your own improvement. “Can I ask you how you handle this? I’m having some trouble meeting this deadline.” “I really admire how you handled that customer. Do you mind sharing some tips?” “Mind if I buy you lunch today? I want to pick your brain about this assignment.”

“You’ve got great skills with tech.” Technology has entered the workplace in a big way, and it’s here to stay. But navigating a technical world is a skill all its own, and not everyone has that. Giving a positive comment on someone’s digital or electronic savvy is a great way to sneak in a comment they don’t receive enough. “Not enough people know their way around a spreadsheet like you do.” “Can you show me how to boot up the smart projector sometime? I hate that you always have to be the one to do it.”

“You’re doing so well, but how can I help?” What’s more appreciated than praise is an offer to help. Follow up your acclaim by asking how you might aid a coworker in completing their task. This has the added benefit of letting them know you’re reliable, yourself. “What can I do here?” “Oh, you’ve made a great start. How can I keep this going?”

Complimenting Your Boss

“You set a great example.” It’s your boss’ job to lead by example, and one of the best ways to compliment them is by letting them know you look up to them. Tell your superiors that you see and acknowledge the work they do to run a team—even your boss needs some encouragement once in a while. “I always look to you to show me how it’s done.” “It’s good to know I can count on a boss like you.”

“You’re an effective communicator.” A senior worker needs to communicate clearly in order to lead, which isn’t always an easy thing to do. Let them know that you appreciate how open and helpful they are when communicating what needs to be done, and how it makes your own job easier. “Your instructions here were really helpful.” “Thanks to you, I knew exactly what I needed to do to accomplish this.”

“That was a difficult situation, but you handled it well.” Being a superior is a huge responsibility, and can often lead to loads of stress. What’s more, that stress is too-often unacknowledged, just because that’s what’s expected of a senior worker. Tell your boss or senior that you can tell how hard they work, and that you’re impressed with how they navigate their work life. “That couldn’t have been easy, but you made it look like a cinch.” “How do you handle all this responsibility? I think it’s really impressive.”

“Your advice is always so helpful.” The best boss is one that can help their employees succeed, and it’s good to remind them once in a while that you’re grateful for their help. An effective senior knows how every position under them operates, so tell your senior you’re grateful for their expertise. “I can tell you know what you’re doing, and I trust you to lead!” “Can you give me some pointers on this? You’re always so reliable.”

“I appreciate the trust you place in me.” Your boss trusts you to do the job right, and that trust isn’t a frivolous thing. If you’re handed extra responsibility or placed in an elevated position at your workplace, acknowledge and express your gratitude for that opportunity to let your boss know they made the right choice. “Thank you so much for the opportunity. I won’t let you down.” “I know I can do right by you.”

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