Fly Spiritual Symbolism
Agility Flies are famously nimble, graceful, and speedy—who among us hasn’t experienced the frustration of trying to swat at a fly only for it to escape at the last moment? Flies, therefore, symbolize agility and swiftness and the importance of being able to navigate life’s obstacles with ease and grace.
Malice or ill will Many of us dislike flies and find them intrusive, irritating, and unclean. So it makes sense that flies may represent negative spiritual energy, indicate something bad may happen, or be a sign that there are evil or dark forces in your midst.
Transformation Because flies spawn from maggots, they may be seen as symbols of transformation or regeneration. A fly may be a sign of spiritual renewal or growth.
Adaptability Ever heard the phrase “one person’s trash is another person’s treasure”? Flies embody this maxim to the extreme! So while they can be a negative spiritual symbol, they can also be seen as a sign of adaptability and flexibility. They’re a species that makes the most out of a…well, a crappy situation.
Wealth and abundance Because flies are able to thrive in less-than-ideal (for humans, anyway) environments, they may also be seen as a symbol of abundance and financial growth. A fly is a reminder that it’s by adapting to poor situations that you’re able to grow stronger and more successful.
Cultural & Religious Significance of Flies
Native American symbolism While there isn’t much about flies in many Native American cultures, they are most commonly viewed as harbingers of danger or disease. However, in some Southwest tribes, the fly is believed to be the first bringer of fire to humankind. How about that! Also viewing the fly as a more positive symbol are the Navajo, who believe the fly represents the connection to one’s ancestors. The fly may carry special messages from ancestors or others who have passed on. According to Navajo belief, Big Fly, also called Do’ tosh or the Sacred Fly, is a fly who brings luck and encouragement to sand painters. Among the Hopi tribe, Mastop (a.k.a. the Death Fly) refers to a pair of dolls, or kachinas, that represent a prayer of fertility.
Christian symbolism In Christianity, flies symbolize evil. As flies are naturally attracted to death, decay, dung, and other foul or unpleasant things, they are associated in the Christian faith with the devil or evil generally. They may indicate spiritual unwellness or dark forces at play. This is exemplified in the fourth plague that befalls the Pharaoh in the book of Exodus: a swarm of flies that torments everyone in Egypt.
Eastern symbolism In Eastern cultures the fly typically represents death and evil, embodied by the Mesopotamian god of war, Nergal, who is represented as a giant fly.
African symbolism The fly is traditionally considered a positive symbol in African lore, believed to symbolize perseverance and bravery. In fact, a gold chain bearing fly pendants was found in the Ancient Egyptian queen Ahhotep I’s tomb, gifted to her by her sons in recognition of her military prowess and courage.
Celtic symbolism Though flies themselves aren’t really present in Celtic lore, maggots—fly babies—are. Maggots may symbolize regeneration, transformation, and growth, but they may also symbolize death, disease, and the underworld, since maggots often appear among dead and decaying things.
Are flies a bad omen?
Flies may indicate a dark or dangerous situation is looming. Flies themselves are not evil, but they may symbolize death, darkness, or dread. If you see flies, it may be a sign not all is well, and that you may need to brace yourself to face dark energy. They may not always signify something bad is heading your way; they may also signify something in your life needs to change. In this sense, seeing flies could be a wakeup call.
What to Do When You See a Fly
Open yourself to new experiences. Flies are symbols of agility, adaptability, regeneration, and progress, all elements of courage and survival. If you see a fly, it’s a reminder to embrace change and stay open-minded and open-hearted. If you suspect the fly is an indicator that something in your life needs to change, be brave and stay strong, and know that whatever you’re leaving behind pales in comparison to the beauty and adventure that lie ahead.
The Fly as Spirit Animal
The fly as a spirit animal may provide guidance in uncertain times. If the fly is your spirit animal, totem animal, or power animal, it may offer you strength and resilience in times of doubt or major life changes. Like the fly, have faith that you possess the adaptability and speed to embrace changes life throws your way with nimbleness and grace. How do you know if the fly is your spirit animal? If you see flies frequently, or find yourself thinking or dreaming about them often, or if you feel a particular affinity to the fly, it's likely the fly is spiritually connected to you. (But if you do see flies a lot, it may also be a sign to check in with an exterminator, just in case.)
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