How To
How to Clean Rust Off Cast Iron
Cast iron pans and pots are prone to rust. Luckily, if you notice rust on cast iron, there are plenty of ways to remove it. It can be removed using salt if it's a small amount of rust. A larger amount of rust may require a vinegar soak. In the future, mak...
How to Use Coconut Oil Around the House
Coconut oil can be bought in supermarkets and department stores. The oil is derived from the coconut plant and has many practical household uses. You can use coconut oil to clean. It can be used in the kitchen in cooking. You can also make coconut oil ver...
How to Wish Happy Birthday on Facebook
This wikiHow teaches you how to wish your Facebook friends a happy birthday using both the mobile app and desktop site.
How to Increase hCG Levels
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, or hCG, is the hormone that a mother’s body makes to prepare for and sustain pregnancy.[1] X Research source If you get tested and have a low level of hCG, it may be a sign of an abnormal pregnancy or could mean...
How to Create an Organization Chart
An organization or organizational chart is a way of depicting the structure of your company or organization in a visual way. It shows the relationships between people and/or departments. When creating an organizational chart, you should start by figuring...
How to Kiss a Girl on the First Meeting
When you first meet a girl you like, you may want to show your interest by kissing her. However, when you first meet someone, it may be difficult to determine if she is interested, comfortable, or ready to kiss you. If you take your time and pay attention...
How to Make Liquid Starch
Liquid starch has many uses, from sewing, to quilting, to arts and crafts. If you ran out of liquid starch, or if you simply want a more natural option, why not make your own? It is very easy to make and costs much less in the long run. Best of all, it na...
How to Cope if Your Spouse Self Harms
Realizing that your spouse self-harms can shake your marriage. Some people throw themselves into their spouse's care, only to resent them and feel drained with no obvious improvements. Remember that it is never your fault that your spouse self-harms. Tak...
How to Nurse a Baby Rabbit
Though a rare occurrence, you may find a nest of abandoned baby bunnies in your yard that you think you need to nurse. If you have pet rabbits, you may think the baby bunnies aren’t being nursed properly because they don’t see the mother rabbit with the b...
How to Use Salt As a Cleaning Agent
People have been cleaning with salt for thousands of years. It's an inexpensive and effective way to clean grease, rust, grime, and stains. If you're interested in using more natural cleaning supplies, head to the pantry and read on for ways to get starte...
How to Tell if an Ingrown Toenail Is Infected
If left untreated, your ingrown toenail may become infected. Some signs of an infection are throbbing pain, discharge, and an odor. If you determine that your ingrown toenail is infected, then you should visit your doctor. If you catch an ingrown toenail...
How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks on Your Back
Stretch marks are caused when the skin cannot keep up with the growth of the body. While they are most commonly found on the thighs, upper arms, and abdominal area, stretch marks can appear anywhere where the body has experienced a change in size, includi...
How to Get Rid of Wet Carpet Smell
If you catch a whiff of "wet carpet" smell in your home, see if you can remove the mustiness with baking soda and your strongest vacuum. If mold and mildew have taken hold within your carpet, however, you may need to clean the carpet more aggressively wit...
How to Dye Brown Hair Black
If you’re a brunette dreaming of having raven, sultry locks, you’re in luck! Unlike many hair transformations, dying your hair from brown to black is a pretty straightforward process. Because you are adding color to your hair rather than lifting it, there...
How to Build Suspended Corner Shelves
One of the most neglected places in interior design and decorating is the corner of the room. It's often awkward to fit interior decor items in a corner, so most people tend to leave it bare. Instead of neglecting the corner, however, you can utilize the...
How to Find Photos of You and a Friend on Facebook
This wikiHow teaches you how to find an album of all photos that you and a friend of yours have been tagged in together.