Have you ever thought what fruits can do for your skin? If not, a simple fruit face pack can do wonders to maintain.
So go ahead and make your skin look younger with a healthy natural glow for the new year.
The best thing about fruit packs is that you don't have to invest in all those expensive brands. You can make your own fruit packs at home and have smooth, supple skin always.
You get good treatments at your salon, but if you want a quick fix therapy, you can make some packs at home too.
Farzana Surti, Senior Beauty Therapist, Nalini & Yasmin salon gives some simple and easy to make fruit packs.
Oily skin
If you have oily skin, firstly use a tomato slice on your face and rinse off with water. This works like a fresh astringent and closes the pores. Orange removes the impurities caused by greasiness. It also gives a glow without looking greasy.
Take half a teaspoon of orange juice, add four to five drops of lime juice, add half a teaspoon of multani mitti (Fullers Earth), half a teaspoon of sandalwood powder, a few drops of rosewater and mix it well.
Refrigerate it for a little while if you wish. Mix well, apply it and keep it on for 15-20 minutes and rinse off with water.
Dry skin
Banana is good for your skin as it acts as a moisturiser and softens the skin. Mash a small banana, add half teaspoon of sandalwood powder, add six to seven drops of honey, add half a teaspoon of malai and a pinch of haldi powder.
Haldi (turmeric) brightens your skin. Mix well, apply and keep it on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse it off with plain water.
Combination skin
If you have this skin type, your T-zone is usually oily and the C-zone is dry. This means, your forehead and cheeks are dry and the rest is oily. So here, you can use the oily skin pack for the portion that is oily and the dry skin pack for the part that is dry.
Normal skin
If you have normal or 'fresh skin', pomegranate will work well for you. Take half teaspoon of pomegranate juice; use a little piece of banana, add half a teaspoon of sweet lime, a pinch of haldi powder, a pinch of multani mitti and half a teaspoon of sandalwood powder.
Mix well and apply. Keep it on for 15-20 minutes and rinse off with plain water. If you are unable to get pomegranate, you can use cucumber instead.
Acne prone skin
If you have an acne problem, you should use only sour fruits like orange, lime, and tomato. Even cucumber is good for your skin. Take half a teaspoon of the fruit juice, add a pinch of sandalwood powder and half a teaspoon of multani mitti.
Mix well and apply. Keep it on for 15-20 minutes and rinse off with plain water.
Sensitive skin
If you have sensitive skin, you should use only cucumber. Take a third of the chilled cucumber and a small piece of a mashed banana.
This too has to be chilled, add half a teaspoon of sandalwood powder and mix well. Apply it and keep it on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with plain water.
Tanned skin
Use half a teaspoon of mashed papaya and half a teaspoon of orange juice. Add half teaspoon of sandalwood powder. Mix well and apply. Keep it on for 15-20 minutes and rinse off with plain water. This pack will lighten your tan.
You should use it twice or thrice a week, depending on the intensity of your tan.
Seasonal packs
During summer, if your skin is oily, use cucumber or watermelon in your pack. If you have dry skin you can mix banana, cucumber, and watermelon together in your pack. And for combination skin, you can use these packs as you would otherwise.
In winter, add orange and banana to your pack if it is oily and for dry skin, moisturiser is good, so the banana will help. While applying the pack, ensure that you apply from your chin to the ears in an upward sliding movement.
Avoid the eye and lip area and do not keep it on for more than twenty minutes. If you leave it on for more than this, your skin may turn too dry or you may feel that it has not been cleansed well. If you have oily skin, use chilled water, but otherwise, it is best to stick to plain water.
Do not use soap after rinsing, but you can use make-up immediately. Also, use a pack once a week to maintain and keep your skin in top condition.
Packs for different age groups
If you are between 16 to 25 years, your skin is prone to acne. Farzana advises using cucumber, orange, sweet lime, multani mitti, sandalwood powder for such skin.
For normal, maintained skin, that is if you are between 25 to 30, use watermelon, sweet lime, banana, sandalwood, multani mitti in your pack. If you are above 35, you have mature skin and you need more moisturiser. So, mashed banana and custard apple is good for you.
Watermelon helps a great deal as it hydrates your skin and helps maintain the PH balance. You should also use more sandalwood and just a pinch of multani mitti in your pack. Also, if you have wrinkles, mashed banana works well. It helps reduce the lines.
In case of a reaction
Dr Sujata Khandkar, Naturopath with Vedicure Wellness Centre, suggests that you should just wash your face with plain water if you do get a reaction. "Fair people or those who have sensitive skin are prone to allergies.
Even a little stress or sun exposure has an effect on the skin and it can turn red or itchy. Some people are also allergic to curd, so they must avoid this for their face," she says. You can also use ice cubes in case of any reaction.
This helps to cool your skin and helps in healing rashes and any allergies. You can also use fresh, unboiled milk to soothe the skin. Soak a cloth in the milk and apply it all over your face. This acts as a toner. Be careful about the different powders you use.
Ensure that they are of the best quality and do not contain any fungus or are outdated. Also, don't make a cocktail of packs, as the enzymes in some are not compatible with others.
If you do get any reaction or irritation, after washing your face with water and using ice, you can even eat an anti-allergen pill like Xevor or Allegra. This will help combat the reaction.
Also, avoid going out in the sun if you do get a reaction and while stepping out in the sun, remember to apply sunscreen.
And, if it is very severe, immediately see a skin specialist. You must do a litmus test before using the pack. Use a litmus strip that is available at the chemist to test the PH level of your pack.
There is an indication on the strip and ideally it should be between 5 to 8. You can also do a test on your inner forearm for fifteen minutes before using the pack.
This will ensure that you do not get any reaction. Make these simple packs and use them for a beautiful and glowing skin.
(With inputs from Dr Apratim Goel, Cosmetic Dermatologist and Dr Purnima Mhatre, Cosmetologist and Cosmetic Surgeon)
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