Entrepreneur Anand Ahuja, on Friday, took to his social media account to share some never-seen-before glimpses of himself through several years. In his post, Ahuja shared a series of ten images which reflect his efforts on fitness and health. The photographs posted by Ahuja shows his self-discipline all the way from the year 2009 to the present day in 2020. The moments showcase his participation in marathons and him trying his hands on yoga, headstands and basketball.
While sharing the post on Instagram, Ahuja mentioned the year when all the pictures were taken and wrote, “ is your responsibility to understand the thoughts that represent you and the ones that don’t.” #FBF #gr8likewhoa (sic.)”
While many expressed their awe and praise for Ahuja’s dedication, his better-half, actress Sonam Kapoor took to her Instagram stories to laud her husband.
In an appreciation moment, Sonam uploaded all those ways her partner adopts to remain fit, calling Ahuja as a “fitness junkie”.
She gave a big shout out to her husband for inspiring her to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Sonam admitted it took her some time to understand Ahuja’s obsession with health and passion for fitness. The I Hate Luv Storys actress credited him for motivating her as she is also following his footsteps on the same path. While captioning the post, Sonam thanked her husband for setting an example and hailed his enthusiasm, discipline and zeal towards fitness.
She also added that during the lockdown, she realized about self-introspection and how physical and emotional health is interconnected.
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