Horoscope Today, March 31, 2022: Check Out Daily Astrological Prediction for Aries, Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius And Other Zodiac Signs on Thursday
Horoscope Today, March 31, 2022: Check Out Daily Astrological Prediction for Aries, Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius And Other Zodiac Signs on Thursday
Horoscope Today, March 31, 2022: Gemini May meet someone new, while Aquarius must watch what they say; Check out what’s in store for you this Thursday

HOROSCOPE TODAY, MARCH 31, 2022: This Thursday, Leo will be tapping into their spiritual side and connecting with the universe. Cancer will be receiving some exciting news on the professional front, a promotion perhaps? For Sagittarius, Thursday is all about fun socialisation and creative expression. Let us take a look at how this Thursday may pan out for your zodiac sign.


Put yourself first

This Thursday you will be prompted to accomplish your desires before anyone else’s. This cosmic climate can also inspire people around you, as your aura carries the energy of a true leader. Make sure to set aside some time for socialisation this evening. It is a good day to pamper yourself and take some time out for self-care. Your luck will shine around bright colours, like vermillion this Thursday. Planet Mars rules your sign, numbers 1, 8 and letters A, L, E will be your guide.


Keeping things private

Working in secrecy might be favourable for you today. It is advised that you keep your creative process private, especially if you are still working out a few obstacles within your vision. For some of you, this Thursday may bring out some exciting information this evening, however, do not indulge in judgemental or negative discussions. Planet Venus is the ruler of your zodiac sign, hence wear subtle colours like Sangria for luck. You will be guided by numbers 2 and 7, and letters B, V, U this Thursday.


Meeting someone new

Thursday’s planetary positions are favourable for you to find some interesting people. Do not be hesitant if you feel like striking up a conversation with someone you are interested in platonically or romantically. Tapping into your social chemistry will feel quite organic this Thursday. Give yourself permission to take to the internet and voice your thoughts. Colours like deep purple will be good for you as planet Mercury rules your zodiac sign. Letters K, C and G, and numbers 3, 6 will be lucky for you this Thursday.


Professional opportunities arise

If you have been looking for some change in your professional life, Thursday’s cosmic climate will bring to the fore some exciting opportunities for you. Take the initiative since you will need to put yourself out there and share your ideas with your superiors. Some of you may even receive an offer to assume more leadership responsibilities amongst your colleagues. Moon is your ruling planet hence, wear a salmon shade colour this Thursday for luck. Alphabets like H, D, and number 4 will bring you all the guidance you need.


Connecting to the spiritual world

This Thursday could be quite exciting for those of you who are seeking more spiritual guidance.Some of you can engage in some journaling or meditation to communicate with the universe. It is a good time to manifest that wish you have been visualising. Be unapologetically you this Thursday. Your lucky colour this Thursday will be golden, as Sun rules your sign, while alphabets M, T and number 5 will support you in your endeavours.


Emotionally intense day

Today could be the day when you indulge in some emotionally deep conversation with a partner or a close friend. This cosmic climate is perfect for opening up and letting others in, especially this evening. However, do remember that you should only feel called to share if you believe you can trust your companion without question. Some of you may have to undergo some personal changes in the coming months. Your lucky colour for this Thursday is shell coral as planet Mercury rules your zodiac sign. Focus on numbers 3,8, and letters P,T, and N for luck.


Romantic vibes in the air

Thursday’s planetary positions are perfect for spending some time with your partner. Plan a romantic date night with your partner or surprise them by a sweet gesture. Those of you who are single can spend this day by indulging in some self-care practices. Some of you may even examine your relationships and how they assist your self-growth. Your zodiac sign is ruled by planet Venus, hence wear mangano calcite colour and choose numbers 2,7 and letters R,T for support in your upcoming endeavours.


Focus on health

Today’s planetary position will compel you to focus on your health. It is the perfect opportunity to take some time to think about the changes you could make to nurture your mind and body. This is especially true for those of you who have recently felt a bit run down or out of shape. Make a commitment to a lifestyle shift you have been pondering throughout the day. Your zodiac sign is ruled by planet Mars which is in transit, hence wearing the colour crimson will be lucky for you. Numbers 1, 8, and the letters N and Y will bring you support.


In the mood for fun

This Thursday, you will be up for some fun activities. Today’s cosmic climate will certainly put you in the mood for fun. Some of you may also feel artistically inspired, with a desire to be taken seriously for your passions. Use Thursday evening to research any special interests or skills you are attracted to. For others, it is the perfect time to set intentions on your future endeavours. Your zodiac sign is ruled by planet Jupiter hence your lucky colour this Thursday is jade green. For Thursday letters B, D, and P, and numbers 9, 12, will bring you luck.


Focus on domestic issues

Thursday’s planetary position will get you to work on issues pertaining to your house. It is a perfect day to take on new domestic projects, even if they feel a bit dreadful. Use the energy this evening to plan out any interior design shifts you hope to make. Make a list of items you need while forming a budget to go along with it. Your lucky colour for the day is cinnamon brown as planet Saturn rules your zodiac sign, while numbers 10, 11, and letters K, J will bring you fortune.


Watch what you say

Your tendency to make impulsive comments may land you in trouble today. Be mindful of what you speak and where you speak. Watch your tongue during professional or tense conversations, especially. It is advised that you stay away from social media platforms. For others Thursday’s cosmic climate is perfect to set personal goals around your knowledge base and special skills. Choose the colour cinnamon red since Saturn rules your zodiac sign. Numbers 10, 11, and letters G and S will bring you luck this Thursday.


Be careful of finances

Today you may find yourself lucky in terms of financial earnings, however, this could make you prone to some impulsive shopping spree. Be careful of this tendency since it may end up leaving you in guilt. It is essential that you thoroughly research any major purchases you are currently considering. Your zodiac sign Pisces, is ruled by planet Neptune and the colour honeysuckle pink will suit you. Go for numbers 9, 12, and letters D, C, J, and T will be your guide on Thursday.

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