Weekly Horoscope, February 26 to March 3, 2024: Astrological Prediction for All Zodiac Signs
Weekly Horoscope, February 26 to March 3, 2024: Astrological Prediction for All Zodiac Signs
WEEKLY HOROSCOPE, FEBRUARY 26 TO MARCH 3, 2024: Get your weekly prediction from renowned astrologer Chirag. Find out what the stars have in store for you in coming week in terms of love, career, health, and more.


Ganesha says this week is full of good luck for the people of Aries zodiac sign. At the beginning of the week, a solution to a big problem will emerge through your best friend or an influential person. Which will give you great relief. Good luck will remain with you from the beginning till the end of the week.

Efforts made in the direction of career and business will be successful. Desired success will be achieved in tasks related to power and governance. This time is going to be very auspicious for working women. Their respect and honour both at home and outside will increase and their financial condition will become stronger.

In the latter half of the week, a sudden plan to visit some religious place may be made. During this period, the people of Aries zodiac sign will be very interested in religious and social work. By the end of the week, you will hear some good news related to your child, which will create an atmosphere of happiness in the house. There will be intensity in a love relationship and you will be able to spend quality time with your love partner. Health will remain normal and married life will remain happy.

  • Lucky Colour: Golden
  • Lucky Number: 11


Ganesha says people of Taurus zodiac will need to pay a lot of attention to both their health and relationships this week. At the beginning of the week, you may be troubled by seasonal illness or re-emergence of some old disease. Do not ignore any health-related problem during this period, otherwise you may have to make trips to the hospital. People of the Taurus zodiac sign should try to ignore small talk of people both at home and outside this week. You will feel a little sad due to not getting support from your relatives as per expectation.

People associated with business may face some problems in the latter part of the week. They may face stiff competition from their competitors. During this period, there will be some pressure on young professionals. If you are thinking of expressing your love to someone, then instead of spoiling the matter in a hurry, you should wait for the right time.

If you are already in a love relationship, then do not let any kind of misunderstanding arise in your love life. The support of your spouse will provide strength in difficult times.

  • Lucky Colour: Maroon
  • Lucky Number: 3


Ganesha says this week is going to be a mixed one for the people of the Gemini zodiac sign. This week, you will get many opportunities to advance your career and business, but due to health or domestic problems, you will not be able to take full advantage of them. This week is going to be moderate for business people. They will face difficulty in withdrawing the money stuck in the market. If you are thinking of doing new work with someone or you are already doing business in partnership, then be very careful in money transactions, etc.

In the middle of the week, you will need to focus on your goals instead of getting into unnecessary trouble. People preparing for exams and competitions will have to put in extra hard work and effort to achieve their desired success.

In the latter part of the week, you may spend more money out of pocket on home repairs, etc. Due to this, your budget can be disturbed. To improve your love relationship, do not ignore your love partner’s feelings and compulsions. Marital life will remain normal with little bitter disputes.

  • Lucky Colour: Violet
  • Lucky Number: 9


Ganesha says this week, people of the Cancer zodiac sign will need extra hard work, effort, and time management to complete their planned work on time. At the beginning of the week, you may have to travel long or short distances in connection with your career or business.

Take great care of your belongings and health during the journey, otherwise, you may have to face problems. During this period, you may have stomach-related problems, in such a situation keep your diet right. This week, working people will have to work together with both seniors and juniors related to their workplace, only then you will be able to achieve your target on time.

In the second half of the week, students who study may lose interest in their studies. During this time, avoid wasting money on unnecessary things, otherwise, you may have to ask for a loan later. People with Cancer zodiac signs should drive carefully this week, otherwise, there is a possibility of injury. Love relationships will be normal. Married people will have full support from their spouse in their life.

  • Lucky Colour: Silver
  • Lucky Number: 4


Ganesha says this week brings a little sadness and a little happiness for the people of Leo’s zodiac sign. While at the beginning of the week, you may have to face some health-related problems, you may also hear some good news from career and business during this time. Those who have been looking for employment for a long time may get great success during this period. If your relations with your loved ones have deteriorated due to some issue, then all the misunderstandings can be resolved with the help of a senior person.

In the middle of the week, you may have to travel long distances for work. People involved in business should be careful in money transactions. At the same time, risky investments should also be avoided. This week, there will be more burden of work on the housewives.

In the latter half of the week, you will meet an influential person with the help of whom you will get an opportunity to get involved in profitable schemes. Misunderstandings arising in love relationships will be resolved. Married life will remain happy.

  • Lucky Colour: Red
  • Lucky Number: 5


Ganesha says this week is going to be mixed for the people of the Virgo zodiac sign. You will be busy with work at the beginning of the week, due to which you will be able to spare less time for your loved ones. People associated with business may have to run around a bit more in connection with their business. At the same time, working people will also be under work pressure in the workplace. It would be appropriate to resolve disputes related to land and buildings through negotiations instead of taking them to court.

The second half of the week is going to be a bit of a relief for you compared to the first half. During this time, the problems coming in your work will be resolved and you will get full support from your relatives. This time will be unfavourable for people associated with commission and marketing. An increase in their network and efforts will bring desired success.

For people who are suffering from some disease, their health will improve. If there was a dispute with your love partner over some issue, then with the help of a friend, the misunderstandings will be resolved and your love relationship will become stronger. Married life will remain happy.

  • Lucky Colour: Blue
  • Lucky Number: 10


Ganesha says the week is auspicious for the people of the Libra zodiac. If you are trying for career and business abroad then you may get to hear good news this week. People of Libra zodiac will get full support from both seniors and juniors in the workplace. If you have been planning to buy and sell land and property for a long time, you may be successful in it this week.

This week is going to be auspicious for doctors, physicians, lawyers, consultants, and people preparing for examinations and competitions. With the help of an influential person, students, youth, and unemployed people will get a new direction.

Love relationships will become stronger. If you were thinking of converting your love relationship into marriage, then all the obstacles coming in the way will be removed. Your family members will agree to seal your love with marriage. There will be love and harmony with family members and spouses. You will get many opportunities to have happy moments.

  • Lucky Colour: Green
  • Lucky Number: 2


Ganesha says people of the Scorpio zodiac sign should avoid making distant losses in exchange for nearby gains this week. There will be more hustle and bustle regarding career and business at the beginning of the week. During this time, you will need to be very careful of your opponents in the workplace. They may try to create obstacles in your work.

Any problem related to family can also become a big cause of your worry. It would be better to solve any problem related to home or workplace through mutual discussion. During this time, avoid making false allegations or slander against anyone, otherwise it may harm your reputation.

In the latter part of the week, long or short-distance travel in connection with business is possible. The journey will prove pleasant and profitable. Students preparing for exams and competitions will receive some good news. Love relationships will remain normal. In married life, you will be a little worried about your spouse’s health. However, you will still need to take good care of your health.

  • Lucky Colour: Gray
  • Lucky Number: 15


Ganesha says this week will bring a lot of happiness and benefits for Sagittarius. At the beginning of the week, you can achieve great success in your efforts related to your career and business. Your work will be appreciated at work. If you were thinking of changing your job for a long time, your wish may be fulfilled this week.

You may get a good offer by the end of the week. Accumulated wealth will increase. The wish of business people to expand their business may be fulfilled. The special thing is that in this you will get the full support of your relatives. Respect for people associated with politics will increase in society. They may get the desired post or some big responsibility.

You will get an opportunity to participate in some religious-social program in the latter part of the week. Love relationships will deepen and love life will go well. Married life will remain happy.

  • Lucky Colour: Yellow
  • Lucky Number: 7


Ganesha says this week is full of happiness and prosperity for Capricorn. From the beginning of the week, your planned tasks will be completed on time. Due to this, you will also get to see amazing enthusiasm and confidence. The hard work and efforts you have made in the past will yield pleasant results this week. If you have been trying for a long time to get your promotion or transfer to your desired place, then your wish can be fulfilled this week.

This week you will get new ideas and proposals to move forward in your life. There will be an increase in business, due to which you will be more interested in business. If you are busy preparing for any competition, you will get full results if you work hard. Obstacles coming in the life of working women will be removed and they will get full support in the workplace along with home and family. Closeness will increase in love relationships. Married life will remain happy.

  • Lucky Colour: Pink
  • Lucky Number: 6


Ganesha says this week is going to be more auspicious and fortunate for Aquarius than last week. This week, a big problem that has been persisting in your life for a long time may get resolved. The decisions you make regarding your career and business will prove to be correct and you will benefit significantly from them.

This week your respect and honour will also increase significantly. Be it home or society, people will listen to you seriously. If any case is going on in the court, then the decision in it may be in your favour. You will inherit ancestral property.

In the second half of the week, you will meet some influential people associated with the government. You will get an opportunity to join some profitable schemes in the future. This week will prove to be auspicious for the students also. Obstacles to attaining higher education will be removed. Someone may enter the lives of single people, while the already existing love relationship will become stronger. You will get many opportunities to spend time happily with your spouse. Health will be normal.

  • Lucky Colour: Black
  • Lucky Number: 10


Ganesha says this week is going to be very auspicious for Pisces people in terms of love, money, and progress. If you are involved in business and your money is stuck in the market, it will come out unexpectedly this week. Employed people will also get opportunities to advance their careers. With the help of a female friend, your dream of getting a job or contract at the desired place can be fulfilled. Additional sources of income will be created and accumulated wealth will increase. Everyone will be seen appreciating the decisions taken by you regarding family. Public confidence in you will increase.

A sudden long or short-distance journey is possible in the latter half of the week. During this time, relations will be formed with some influential persons associated with the government. If you leave aside minor problems, overall health will be normal. Love relationships will become stronger and harmony with the love partner will increase. You will get opportunities to spend enjoyable moments with your family.

  • Lucky Colour: Orange
  • Lucky Number: 8.

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