The Week in Social Media Updates: Hide Like Count on Instagram, Screen-Sharing For Skype, New emojis on Twitter
The Week in Social Media Updates: Hide Like Count on Instagram, Screen-Sharing For Skype, New emojis on Twitter
What changes will you be seeing after this week's round of social media platform updates? Mobile screen-sharing on Skype, a new set of emojis on Twitter, and (possibly) a hidden like count on Instagram.

The most popular apps and social media platforms get updated regularly to bring new features and goodies to users. Here's a summary of changes you'll be seeing in the near future if you don't already:


Late last week, Microsoft announced that a new mobile screen-sharing feature has been added to the latest Skype Insider build. Though the tool is only available for beta testers right now, it's likely that it will officially roll out soon considering that the recently-launched 50-person video chat feature was in beta for less than a month.


In honor of the upcoming release of "The Avengers: Endgame," Marvel Entertainment announced on Tuesday that Twitter has launched 40 Avengers-themed emojis including Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, and Captain Marvel.


On Thursday, Amazon announced that YouTube apps will be returning to Fire TV devices after being removed over a year ago. Compatibility will return "later this year."


Also on Thursday, social media reverse engineer Jane Manchun Wong reported that Instagram is testing a feature that hides the like count from audiences. According to her investigation, Instagram states that this could come to the application in an attempt to encourage users to "focus on what [they] share, not how many likes [their] posts get." Whether this change will roll out to the official platform is unknown.

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